Pay, Save & Insure


Ever thought of paying your rent by Direct Debit?
Direct Debit is one of the easiest ways to manage your money and to make things easier for you, you can pay your rent by Direct Debit any day of the week.

How can I pay my rent by Direct Debit?
You’ll need a bank account that offers a Direct Debit facility, this is called a ‘transactional account’. All you need to do is contact your local rents team and they will be happy to help.

Can I use an app to pay my rent?
Yes you can! Just download the Allpay app to either your tablet or smart phone. This allows you to make rent payments anytime, anywhere. For more information visit the allpay website by following this link.
Click here for more information about the Direct Debit Guarantee


We all know we should save - especially for Christmas, birthdays and emergencies, but many of us don’t. This can mean we end up worrying or borrowing money at the last minute often from high cost lenders

Both of Shropshire's Credit Unions, Just and FAIRshare make saving (and borrowing) as simple and easy as possible.They can help you to:

  • Save as much as you want, from £1 per week/£5 per month. (Our tip is to save a small amount regularly and try not to withdraw it.)
  • Access affordable, low cost loans, for regular savers, with rewards.
  • Save regularly helping to spread the cost of special occasions like Christmas, holidays and birthdays.

How do I open a savings account?

Follow this link to the Just Credit Union's website or call them on 01743 252325

Follow this link to the FAIRshare Website or call 01952 200200 (Telford) 01743 240403 (Shrewsbury)


We cover the insurance for the building you live in, but not the contents. As part of your tenancy agreement it is a condition that your home contents are insured, in case of fire, theft or damage. While many people often hope that nothing will happen to their belongings, sometimes things can go wrong unexpectedly, and it can cost a lot of money to replace lost or damaged household items. What would you do if this happened, could you afford to replace items such as carpets? 

We can help you to get home contents insurance at a price that is affordable.With a special scheme called Crystal, arranged in conjunction with Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing and Thistle Tenant Risks, our tenants and residents can protect their belongings and gain peace of mind knowing if the unexpected happens they have cover. Here are some examples of what this insurance covers:

  • Accidental damage to home entertainment equipment
  • Third party liability
  • Accidental breakage of mirrors, glass, hobs
  • Loss or theft of keys
  • Freezer contents
  • Some Tenants Liability (Includes cover for some damage to the landlord’s fixtures & fittings for which the tenant is legally responsible)
  • Accidental damage to fixed glass in windows & doors up to 20% of the sum insured
  • Tenants own home improvements e.g. decorating up to £2,000
  • Loss or theft of keys

For more information, follow this link to Crystal Insurance website or contact them on 0345 450 7286 or email