TWG AGM Thursday 12th June 6pm—7:30pm The Centre, Oak Street, Oswestry. Everyone is welcome!
The group are committed to making a positive difference for Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing (ST&R) tenants, residents and leaseholders, by helping to address local issues, increase tenant satisfaction and create a sense of community spirit. The TWG have made significant contributions to their local communities. Why not get involved? The TWG meet on the last Friday of the month 2pm – 4pm in Oswestry.
The event will also be a celebration of the TWG’s achievements from the last 12 months and tenants will be able to hear from the Chair of Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing’s Board, Nicki Barker. Housing staff will also be available to answer questions.
Officer roles for the group will be decided at the first meeting after the AGM on Friday 27th June.
The group are keen to recruit new members, if you are interested in joining or would like to know more please call Charlotte, the TWG secretary, on 07811 582762.
We look forward to seeing you! Call Emma or Lauren on 01743 210205 If you need transport to/from the meeting